Care For Birthing People


East Asian Medicine has been used continuously for thousands of years to assist birthing people during preconception, pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period.  As two of the oldest forms of healthcare on the planet, East Asian Medicine and midwifery/obstetrics have a long history of working together to promote health and well-being and to reduce complications during the childbearing year. 

Acupuncture as a modality offers assistance for many common issues during pregnancy and the postpartum.  When offered by an acupuncturist who is specially trained in this area of care, acupuncture offers solutions in a way that is low risk and without adverse impact to your health or the health of your growing baby. In addition, research in this area suggests that regular treatment during the last month of pregnancy can help improve cervical readiness and improve overall satisfaction with birth experiences.

When choosing to include acupuncture as part of your perinatal care it is important to work with an acupuncturist who has specific post-graduate training in this specialty. As a perinatal acupuncturist I have over a decade of experience working with pregnant people and currently teach alongside international experts in the field in the Maternity Acupuncture Mentoring and Peer Support (MAMPS) program, which is the most comprehensive post-graduate perinatal acupuncture program currently offered in the West. I am happy to answer any questions you may have about using acupuncture during the childbearing year and help you find a well-trained provider if you are out of my service area!

Care During Pregnancy

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Poor sleep

  • Hyperacidity and heartburn

  • Anxiety, depression and mood swings

  • All types of musculoskeletal pain

  • Threatened miscarriage and bleeding

  • Constipation

  • Hemorrhoids, vericose veins and vericosities

  • Headache and migraine

  • Hypertension

  • Breech, posterior and malpositioned babies (ideally treatment occurs at 32-35 weeks)

  • Cervical readiness

  • As a preventative modality throughout pregnancy to support and maintain health.

Care In Labor

  • Labor preparation prior to a medical induction

  • Pain Relief

  • Unfavorable cervical dilation or effacement

  • Initiating labor after membranes have ruptured

  • Stalled or inefficient labor and contractions

  • Exhaustion

  • Afterpains

Care During the Postpartum

  • Persistent uterine bleeding

  • Anxiety, mood swings and postpartum depression

  • Poor sleep

  • Musculoskeletal injury during birth

  • Challenges with lactation and breast/chest feeding.

  • As a preventative through the postpartum to support and maintain health

  • Physical, mental and emotional support and stability through inevitable and missed miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, placental abruption and all pregnancy loss including voluntary pregnancy termination.

Cost of Care



  • $100 for a 50 minute full appointment, plus the cost of herbs.

  • Insurance accepted.


  • $60 for a 50 minute follow up appointment.

  • Available for established patients only.

  • Insurance accepted.


  • $80 for a 50 minute full appointment.

  • $60 for a 50 minute follow-up appointment.

  • Weekly prebirth acupuncture treatments beginning at 36 weeks to create optimal conditions for labor are increasingly the subject of research.  A 2017 Cochrane Review  showed that acupuncture improves cervical readiness prior to labor. In observational studies acupuncture has been shown to decrease the need for medical induction of labor, pain medication and emergency c-sections.  Prebirth treatments do not “induce” labor or make contractions, but instead help to create optimal conditions for labor to begin in a timely and efficient way. 


  • $80 for a 50 minute full appointment

  • Treatments are most effective when started between 32 and 35 weeks of pregnancy. Sometimes a second treatment may be required. Treatments are most effective when started between 32 and 35 weeks of pregnancy. Sometimes a second treatment may be required. The use of acupuncture and moxibustion for breech is increasingly the subject of research and is included in RCOG Green Top Guideline 20a as a clinical guideline to reduce incidence of term breech presentation. Sarah has written extensively and teaches internationally on the subject of acupuncture and moxibustion for breech babies and if you would like more information, co-authored research summaries can be found here and here.

  • Instructions and moxa sticks for daily home care will be provided.

  • Available for treatment outside of normal office hours. Call or email to book


  • $80 for a 50 minute full appointment

  • These appointments are only available within 72 hours of a scheduled medical induction.  Several appointments spaced 24-48 hours apart may be desired.

  • Instructions for acupressure to be used at home and during your induction will be provided

  • Available for treatment outside of normal office hours. Call or email to book.